MovieStarPlanet Accounts and Passwords – Play VIP for Free

Moviestarplanet is available for free to all players but if you want to get the most out of the game, it’s best to have a VIP membership.  Now if you don’t want to buy a VIP membership or if you don’t want to try and hack one either, you can take a look at this page and find some MSP accounts and passwords.

I’ll update this page with Moviestarplanet VIP accounts and passwords as I find them to share them with you!  Some players get tired of their MSP account and decide to stop playing.  Well if they still have VIP it shouldn’t go to waster should it?  I don’t think so.


If you or anyone you know has a MSP VIP account and password that they don’t use anymore, please share it in the comments and I’ll add it to this page.  I’ll do my best to keep this list of accounts and passwords updated as I find new ones.

Everyone should get the chance to play Moviestarplanet VIP for free!  There’s so much you can do with a VIP member account and password.  Earn more Starcoins and get famous quicker with a VIP account.

All it will take is a few people to start sharing their unused accounts and passwords and more will catch on.  Add yours in the comments if you aren’t using it anymore so someone else can!

  1. anyone have one pwease pwease? i need one imr achel palooza on msp 🙁 ive been waiting for 4 YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG

    • Sorry I really don’t have one with VIP but I got the cheat for it >:)
      Its go like this: Go to 1 year VIP Elite And Click Pay Pay
      Then go down and you will see button for cancel it. Click it then and write
      your e-mail adress. Wait a week and you will get a VIP Elite for One YEAR!!! Not sure it work but in Sunday I will be. Good luck!

    • ive been on msp since i was 5 and im 11 now and i havent got a vip yet cant someone one this website relize that everyone wants a vip and the next time someone adds a account not take it and change thae password because some want too play on vip account and are not SELFISH ANOTH TO DO SOMEHING LIKE THAT
      I hope most of you arent SELFISH and have listened to this comment and take the most important thing from this comment which is DONT BE SELFISH AND share.

      Wishing to be a vip
      Snow Simmer

    • ok this totally worked for me ok get on your laptop (only works on laptop) and where it says become a VIP click elite and then click pay pal then go all the way to the bottom hit cancel then there you go type in your email address and a receipt will be mailed to you hope it works did for me I am so sorry if it didn’t for you P.S my friend has this VIP account you all can have it is a level 25 so here it is

      USER: party girl forever one more thin now read real closely DO
      NOT CHANGE PASSWORD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      PASS: I love rocking roll

      • when will we get the receipt

      • someone changed you password

      • Oh plz help us I need Star coins I got hacked!

        • this is what you do first you wait an hour than go to new user and make it again

          • Ic been on msp for 4 years and now im 8 all ma acc keep gettin hcked
            All pf them I keep havin to change acc I have had 9 acc for 4 years AHH PLZ PEOPLE WHO ARE HCKERS STOP HACKIN

          • I don’t hack I did get hacked for being VIP so after that I was never going to be vip

      • when will we recieve the reciept and what d u do when u do get it

      • Hi, I did that but didn’t put my email in. Will it still work or should I do it again? Please reply back soon.

      • hi so um like it said a receipt will be sent to your email but nothing came

      • someone changed it

      • I never EVER got a V.I.P i really Want one But MY famliy say its so much Money Well I really want one Can i please get one of the free vip acc

    • I’ve been waiting 4 years too but never got one! i was 7 when i wanted 1 but not im 11! I want VIP!

      • Guys I can get someone vip and trust me I wont hack you guys I have made many people vip such as bridgetmendler2014cool, coulourfulrainbow, lilcuteypie123, lexi 596596, laila boo xxxx so many guys please give me a chance 🙂


    • I can give you an msp account its level 12 female VIP judge account on UK I’ll email you it. Tell me your email. I’ll send you the account Pinkie Swear.

      • Cool

        • Iv been on msp for 6years and all ma acxs are hckked STOP HACKING PEOPLE U STUPID HACKERS!!

      • tell me then

      • Please Please send it to me because I started MSP when I was about 7 or 8 and now I am turning 12 in two days. Please Please Please! Send it to me. I have never gotten past level 3 on my first account. and I got to level 13 but my acc got hacked and I have a level 7 acc right now. I will give it too you if you want it. The name is: MarilynRose565
        Please Please Please! the account has 100 friends! One of them is pumpchkin and 100%Random and ShortMovies’ Please! Please! Please!

    • Hey Um I Am Getting My Incom Tax And I am Picking TWO! people to buy vip 3 months for them wanna be in just give mee your username and ill add you 🙂 by the way my dad is rich and a cop if i hack a person he will ground me and hit me i dont want that

    • i really want a vip or tons of sc without downloading apps pls names furby fan on IRISH MSP k

    • My user is (xXxandyxXx) pls get it vip or get Munch sc or fame

    • can i have a account

      • ok but it is not vip i have 100 non- vip accounts and 5 vip accounts
        anyway it is:
        USERNAME: crystal141212
        this account will be turning vip in two hours

    • My old acc lvl 8
      Username: Laurenjpayne
      Password: Lozzaj2311

    • username: Katrine Malicke
      pass: waffles14

    • guys can someone mssge meh there pass on msp thats vip i have gotten vip but ever since ive been bullied. :c message me at: blondiegirl112013

    • need one plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz i have been waiting for 9 years

    • can i have a account

    • I know I play for 5 years and my stinking parents will NEVAR give me one :'( ive been sending looks for the 7-3 day vip and the STUPID pumpchkin always beats me or a hacker hackes me before I even send one/ they should make it so if you reach lv 10 you get normal vip and level 20 super vip and level 50 eliet whatever

    • omg iam on a high level and i want vip so bad ok i know this girl her name is…… nobody ahhhhhh i want VIP NOW

    • Can someone do my one please nooroa09

    • i have a x vip account and im quitting she’s pretty she doesn’t really have lots of clothes but she was a vip her name is AddisonLuvsU

    • me to

    • i really need a vip account. please send one to my email. oh and it has to be a girl!! thank you

    • i really need a vip account!!!

    • Username:Rocker Chick Aly

      It has 1 month VIP most gone but nice outfits and such

    • i need a vip acc can someone give me one

    • username: pupkini

      she is lvl 9 vip

    • it doesn’t work at all here r some pass words and users you can use mama65 her pas is pandabear65 then sassygirl#hater her pass is cupcake1226 good luck

    • I want a vip account pwease i never was vip and every one thinks im mean when im not

    • i need a vip account pwease im hope less message me on my beau 4 life pwease

    • I’m going to be VIP soon and I’m randomly choosing 2 people to also get VIP. If you want to be VIP then message me on MovieStarPlanet at theonlyguyofyourdreams (no spaces). I will reply. I promise I will not hack you. Hope to get a message from you soon 😉

      • OMG!I really want to be vip!But my parents say that I’m never gonna get vip!My username is:Trex gurl78

    • if u guys wanna get free VIP go to become vip…
      then click on any package
      click PAY PAL
      scroll down and clcik Cancel and Return to MSP
      and then just type ur email

    • i need a vip girl account plz

    • o plzzz o plzzz really want a vip account if you have 1 and the password and username to me my user name is lolypop1423

      username is beautiful me 122
      password is superduper2

    • I’m desperate for a VIP account!!!!!!!!!please

    • if you give a account then i will give you alll your wishly!

    • Hey can I plz get a vip acc plz

    • i want acount girl

    • girls acount please

    • I have a girl account on msp usa. But it is not Vip. The account is level 9 with 112 sc. Enjoy!

      Username: 21emeraldk
      Password: 123msp

      Friend me on msp, my username is CherryRed5562. 🙂

    • toriarox123

    • i really want a vip account i have been waiting for 5 years please please i never ever been a vip please

    • can i have free vip acount or non vip acount plz

    • Hi guys!! My username is Luuxy, she is on level 11. I’m not a VIP but you can still add me and I might be giving her away maybe!! I am on USA by the way and my other account on USA is Williuum (A guy), he is on level 6 and has VIP pants because I was VIP for a day for winning this contest. And I will be giving him away so he can earn money and stuff and you can use him to give yourselves wishies and autos and loves and likes!! 🙂 So here’s his information!! (I’m going to delete everything so you can star anew on this account! 🙂 Have fun! I also entered Williuum in several free VIP stuff so if u get VIP for free thank me!! :))

    • i have a vip account_pinkhannie k pass_girlgirl123

    • Hey guys 🙂 I have money to buy 5 of you Super V.I.P .

      You see i’m not lying my username: Ihascupcake21 if you don’t see V.I.P my vip probably worn off xD

      All I need is your password and username but you have to be level 6 or higher.

      Have a nice day! 🙂
      ~ Ihascupcake21

    • Hey there! 😀 Okay .. you see I have been saving up money to buy you people Super V.I.P .

      All I need is your Username and Password. 🙂
      But you have to be ATLEAST level 6 or higher.

      Don’t trust me? Then check out my VIP account name Ihascupcake
      If I don’t have vip then my VIP probably worn off 😛

      Also I can only buy VIP for 6 people !!


      • Oh and if you want me to get you VIP message me you Pass and User on my other account name : Iroaring 😀

        Thank You :3

    • Hi I’m MayMayguh12 off USA the first person to message me saying: Pinks the bomb! : I will buy u elite VIP! I swear!

    • plz i really want to be vip

    • can some one please tell me there pass word and youser name plzz

    • hey

    • can i have an accont

    • Well I have a level 14 account Username:crazydaisy1 If you add me on my other account:phoebie55 I’ll tell you the password 🙂

    • none of these work because some selfish people are changing the passwords

    • Username:blue bubble gum10

      Password: samira123

    • I really need an dutch account i never been vip before and i have it for more than 4 years ;(

    • i have a vip account it is madison22641
      and the pass is BOOTY123

    • O.M.G!! I MUST BE A VIP MEM IT IS 2 DIE 4! IM RLLY DESPERATE! AND I FEELS LIKE CRYING EVERYTIME I SEE A MEM… cuz i think about my sadness as a non member… so if u can give a vip acc that works to me i will give u a million bucks

    • Can I have a level 10 or over please I’ve been hacked need a new accont☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺

    • can i have a vip acc please

  2. I did download! and tell me pumpchkins password

    • no one nose

      • ya because her dad owns MSP.

        • I know my dad owns it my friend told me to check out this website cause you were talking about my daid and my password noone knows it my dad did somthing to my account so you cant hack it but people still hack me sigh:(

          • are you actually even Pumpchkin ? I don’t believe you. I need proof. Anyways if you are, friend me. My name is sparkesfly11

          • omg pumpchkin ur on here thats cool plz friend me i am pumpkin46

          • plz friend me on moviestarplant am cutiepie123wow

          • OMG your pumpkin add me pwease im BlackEmoGirl107 plz add me

          • Hey add me my name is Newandbetter01

          • blackemogirl107 are you a youtuber if so i subscribed 🙂

          • bestfriend me only at Pupsnkittens514 pwease

          • I believe that pumpchkin lends her account to people because she always has different bffs I think her “beginner” best friends are the people she lends her account too,friend me on map USA: !!
            Sincerely,~a mybeauer~

          • kalya is this you

          • She doesn’t even care about us!? Shes a bully!

          • omg ypur pump… i always give you autos but when i try to talk to u you dont answer btw my name sasha3071

          • why are you people hating on pumpchkin you all know she can t add people be cause she has too many friend requests and she dont got time to add every body so stop hating ~sorry~ ~sasha3971~

          • she is not pumpkin my dad is the owner of msp and my sister pumpkin i know my sister she doesnt even know this website and my dad is the owner of msp who want free vip i will give you only if you tell me your pass and username and country that you do msp on

          • Add me too give me a vip if you can plz i really need it username: ChristinaRiotGirl add me plz!!!!

          • If your pumpchkin Then what is your Real name

          • friend me too my names I’m cool and you no it [lolz] and ppl i want VIP 😀 i’ve been reading this blog and i couldn’t resist talking to u guys 😀 friend me pals 😀

          • Pumpchkin can u tell your dad to turn me into VIP cause in real life i am poor and what i only own is a stick house and a computer 🙁 My Name in MSP Hotgirl14325 My country is Canada Well i am not there Actually! :'(

          • Please add me pumpchkin my user is prettywolfgorl2002

          • Uhh O_O Why would Pumpchkin be on a website like THIS??!!
            Her dad owns MSP so he can get her V.I.P
            Plus the REAL Pumpchkin probably doesn’t even know about this site. -_-
            So STOP pretending to be someone you aren’t and BE YOUSELF!!

        • Pump is ur dad really the owner that’s so cool r u moari

          • I can’t just friend everyone? Please, stopping bugging me and stop hacking me. This website is SICK!

        • my user name is hottest on this planet

        • sookie23

        • i want free vip pumpchkin plz my user hellokitty=hk

      • Yeah no one nose.

    • pump4892

    • Wow thats nice how do u download?

    • are u a girl?

  3. omg I realy want VIP my mam wont though because its too much but try and get it outa yhur cedit that’s what I do try it out!! xoxo

    • Hey,! I hope you watching this because we got some tip for VIP ONE YEAR + ELITE! Here is that cool and easy tip:
      Its go like this: Go to 1 year VIP Elite And Click Pay Pay
      Then go down and you will see button for cancel it. Click it then and write
      your e-mail adress. Wait a week and you will get a VIP Elite for One YEAR!!! Not sure it work but in Sunday I will be. Good luck!

      Hope you understand this and will be helpful for you and lots off others player!

      Your Someobne!

  4. my vip name is Ima VIP Girl pass is hellobabesiloveua

  5. u have 10 mins to go on the account and u can chnage the pass and do anything if u dont its mine or im selling it for any and its 1 year vip and i stated to be on yesterday go!

  6. please as soon as possible give me one

  7. Ok. Username: xobsessionanimex Password: lolabob

  8. if u r part the vip u should KNOW!!!

  9. can someone get me a vip plz i will give away free animal jam members soon with arctic wolf and cheetah ect… plz

    • Hey, Brooke Pyne! Here is some tip for VIP:
      Its go like this: Go to 1 year VIP Elite And Click Pay Pay
      Then go down and you will see button for cancel it. Click it then and write
      your e-mail adress. Wait a week and you will get a VIP Elite for One YEAR!!! Not sure it work but in Sunday I will be. Good luck!

      Your Somebne!

      • excuse me but i waited over 12 days ir doesnt work anymore now i have to pay for it dumb…..

        • wont work

        • Hi there! 🙂 You see I have been saving up money to buy 6 of you people 1 week of Super VIP.

          My main acc is: IHasCupcake21

          But message me on my other account named: Iroaring
          Cause I get too many messages on IHasCupcake21 >.<

          All I need is your Password and your Username.
          But you have to be ATLEAST level 6 or higher. 😀

          Thank You for Reading,
          .~ Jenna

  10. Pleaseeee!!

  11. how do y do it

  12. plz is there anymore free v.i.p.? the download don’t work for me. my user is

    bubblefizz australian msp!

    • Hey Alisha! I think you read that tip for VIP. Anyway here it is:
      Its go like this: Go to 1 year VIP Elite And Click Pay Pay
      Then go down and you will see button for cancel it. Click it then and write
      your e-mail adress. Wait a week and you will get a VIP Elite for One YEAR!!! Not sure it work but in Sunday I will be. Good luck!

    • to get a free vip u can also wait until lvl 20!!!:)

  13. wow so fun
    i love it.

  14. so fun i love it.

  15. but soso
    so i dont know if i like iy or not plez give me time to tink abut it .

    and why dose evry person that goz to movie star planeat have to be fancy.
    i dont get it.

  16. Wait I’m pretty sure its USER: Babies PASS: love11

  17. username: rawr57800
    Password: teddy123 DO NOT CHANGE THE PASSWORD OK!!!!!

  18. my pass is awsome123

  19. how do you download??

  20. i have a free vip account that acullay works the username is sscute1237/8 the password is icypop123 the level is five its a year vipi hope you injoy dont change the password plz thankyou bye

  21. i want vip help please?? how to get vip 4 free??

    • Hey anna.b! You know here is a tip:
      Its go like this: Go to 1 year VIP Elite And Click Pay Pay
      Then go down and you will see button for cancel it. Click it then and write
      your e-mail adress. Wait a week and you will get a VIP Elite for One YEAR!!! Not sure it work but in Sunday I will be. Good luck!

      Hope it works!
      Your Someobne!

  22. Username :kitty45321
    Password:kitty123 got vip for a whole year its epic

  23. twerkmileyup01 and password is 12354mj546 ENJOY my VIP account i have 30 MORE !!!!

  24. Can you send me a VIP account. Thank You

  25. ill tell me my user and password if you give me yours 🙂

  26. i know someone who is a VIP and she is me so if ur a boy u cant take it caz shes a girl of course caz im a girl so if u want her then tell me so i can give it to u but in return u have to give me ur account u are using right now and she must be over level3+ ok she can be level 3 my account is level6 so u can change her pass and everything and if u dont believe me her name is Ariana1110 if she ran out of VIP then trust me she was and mabye she i had enough of VIP and i want a non VIP one but over level 2 (lets say) and has a lot of stuff so i can have fun if u reply to me and give me ur pass and user then i will give u my account im using right now thxs and remeber these to have my VIP account:
    1.Must be over level 2
    2.Has lots of stuff (so i can have fun)
    3.Dont say im a lair
    4.In return u give me ur account (pass and user)

    if i have any more things i need to add then i will i hope u will enjoy my VIP account

    lots of love

    • Hey pretty princess!
      I will (maybe) be a VIP but there’s no option i will give away( Add me iStoleYour iPhone). You really want be a VIP and have fun? Good, so here is tip I shared lots of time:
      Its go like this: Go to 1 year VIP Elite And Click Pay Pay
      Then go down and you will see button for cancel it. Click it then and write
      your e-mail adress. Wait a week and you will get a VIP Elite for One YEAR!!! Not sure it work but in Sunday I will be. Good luck!

      Hope t works! (Hope you really pretty xD)
      Your Someobne ( there was a write mistake…)

    • i want u amazing acount i will obviously give u my acount it is lovely and girly aswell

    • missnani1234 queenie12

    • user hotgirl00090 pass zeina1

  27. HI ! Its princess perfect j from USA msp , and I wanted to ask you guys a quick , uninsalting question . Could I plz have autos and gifts on msp because I need to get to the next level , – love princess 🙂

    • Hey princess perfect! I cant anymore friends but I will message you ( if you really want to know what- Hi ) . Don’t worry, it’s just me one and only- iStoleYour iPhone! Well hope you read this!

      Bye bye!
      Your Someobne!

  28. username sscute1237/8
    password lolz123

  29. username:chloe00001

  30. Every time i try to get an account, it says that the pass or user is not right :[ Not FAIR!

  31. can some one give me a vip for a year with lots of dimods and sc account pls

    • If you want VIP I can make you one just send me your password by messaging me my username is prettygirl6493

    • Hey belle! Give a away this tip, guys! READ IT AND MAYBE YOU BE A VIP ELITE FOR ONE YEAR!
      Its go like this: Go to 1 year VIP Elite And Click Pay Pay
      Then go down and you will see button for cancel it. Click it then and write
      your e-mail adress. Wait a week and you will get a VIP Elite for One YEAR!!! Not sure it work but in Sunday I will be. Good luck!

      Your Someobne!

  32. thanks for the accounts im goin to hacked all of u bye!!!!

    • I believe it’s not called hacking but pretty much getting lied to because all
      Of these accounts do not work 🙁

      • Victoria don’t worry! Here’s the tip 🙂
        Its go like this: Go to 1 year VIP Elite And Click Pay Pay
        Then go down and you will see button for cancel it. Click it then and write
        your e-mail adress. Wait a week and you will get a VIP Elite for One YEAR!!! Not sure it work but in Sunday I will be. Good luck!

  33. 100,000,000

  34. Hi guys it’s me again Vicky I’m givingone of you my level three acc rember the sscute1237/8 I changed the password to oh nvm I’m accualy giving out VIP so if you want it message me on my user prettygirl6493 any acc any level I’ll makevip plus diamonds and sc and fame love you all msp you guys are the best

  35. Hi am VIP my account is Lolz710 and my pass is coolestgirl1398
    I have a lot of nice things and 5 boonies and1900sc and1009diamonds hope you enjoy if you like change the password

  36. Thanks it did work

  37. That Victoria girl is lieng she was my friend that’s why I said that her account works she’s a big lier

    • no im not it worked but you changed the pas word so dont be calling me a liar cuz you guys are all liars

  38. You are right

  39. Hey Guys! Here’s Someobne! I’m giving away account DinaRockIt! Message me iStoleYour iPhone! 🙂

  40. hey every one i want a vip accc plzzzz……….

  41. plzzzzzz….. can i have i will return plzzz and i am from use msp

  42. My MSP name is Nikkiwesten 18329{remeber the space between the nikkiwesten and the 18329}

  43. hi im albin444 and my pass is lolmann12 i vill be VIP becus my parents dont vil let me be VIP

  44. Hey someone msg me a msp account with VIP! Or reply to this. My user is rainbowpizza69

  45. Can anyone give out canada vip acc? PLZ?????

  46. Hey! Add me on my account Angel Lies (with spaces) It used to be a vip.. I’m making it VIP again so anyone want to trade accounts? ^.^

    • I will trade accounts with ya but mine isnt a vip but its a very good one which is user:whos the prettiest here boys (remember the spaces). for the password send me a message then ill tell you because if i write it here everyone will hack it……

    • i wanna trade accounts do you mind having a boy it is LOLinitbruv message me back on MSP

    • i want to trade account isnt a vip but its good
      i will message you the details

  47. ok here it gose i dont want my vip account USER:Angela password:ang123

  48. heyy i would like a vip on msp so can u msage me any accounts u dnt want pls, btw my name on there is “the bowdster” ty if ya do

  49. Can someone message me the user name and password to a VIP account? My username is ZebraSwag66

  50. Hey , msp fans ! I am looking for a level three or higher acc ! it does not have to be vip , i just want a acc level three or higher thx ! plz message me and if your giving the pass to me , change it to fellabella123 bye !

  51. i need vip

  52. Did it work

  53. Did it

  54. hey guys rember me i told you guys i give free vip but here how it workes i need your password but i cant hack because if yur level two you cant even give gifts or anything so theres no point but i will use a hacking device downloaded on my computer to put in sc and dimonds and vip for you the aproixment value of the sc and dimonds is 1,000,000 thats how much

    • i am not a regular user on msp so if you talk about a diffrent subject and start chating like we are freinds thats not ok because i work with a program t give users free vip but if i cant do my job than forget about having vip

    • Hey Vicky message me i’m $$BlackAngel$$ and ill give you the password thx so much im so grateful and if it works give me ur username and ill luv all your stuff and autograph you thx please help

      • Well I have a vip friend she doesn’t aant her acc so im giving it AWAY, NO BODY CHANGE THE PASS PLZ CUZ OTHER PEOPLE WANT TO GO ON IT ASWELL , HER NAME IS, barbie789 (no capitals in any username of pass) HER PASS IS , vipgirl12345 and if I doent work SOMEBODY CHANGED IT IM GOING 2 GO MAD IF THEY DID TELL ME IF THEY DID THNX

    • my user name is PRE TAE and my pass is QWERTY123456 PLS PLS PLS can I have an ELITE or just any V.I.P thnx (UK)

    • hello! Can you help me? my user is ##HeyyMusic##

    • Can I have vip. Friend me I. OM DS LADY

    • Umm Victoria can you please get me VIP? My name is IRoaring. 🙂 PLEASE message me >.< TYSM 😀

  55. My account is Lugia its lvl7 and the pass is soulsilver5 by now probably someone changed it but quickly do it my new acc it lvl19 so im giving lugia away sooo enjoy:p

  56. can i have a password and user name to a VIP please?

  57. hey guys im giving away an account for an account my user is andemm and mesage me thx and friend me too tell me you want my account

  58. hey guys i want a vip acc so if u get one can u give me a request my name is hottmama1256 so if u find one give me a request ok and my real name is suehaily garcia

  59. I’m giving away an account its called
    perfume1290and the pass is
    hope u like her she not a vip and she has a bonnie and a nice room and a bf

  60. Hey

  61. Hey guys if u have a VIP acc or now how to hack VIPs and sc and diamonds plz give me a request my user is hottmama1256

  62. my VIP user is eaby27 and mu password is zoya22

  63. Anyone have a VIP account they don’t want msg me at DatOneGirly

  64. Ja

  65. does anyone have a vip account i can have

  66. ok this will never work and I don’t know how to hack other accounts got any codes reply to me a code on twitter my name is @sweet_angle333 thank you and bye peace out

  67. i dont no if it workd I don’t think so cos I coud not finde pay pay and when I did tri I was frisking out cos I thout I bought it and I did not no what to do and I just wanted to cry

  68. If you have a VIP u don’t want message me one msp at icecreamlove#1 or mrs.diva3000 or jazzluffsyou

  69. i have one old account
    username: prettygirl33
    guys dont change the password please

    • sorry it did not work 🙁 someone changed the pass does anyone has an account that they don’t need that is TRUE??i need an account i am having alot of trouble creating an account cuz it is not letting me please reply it to me oh and happy new years i really want an account for new years

  70. hey prettygirl6493 thxs so much for the vip

  71. np rebecca

    • how u become vip on msp?

    • Hiyaaa !!! Can you pretty please make me VIP ?? Thanks. I REALLY want one xD sorry for bugging you.. I messaged you already (; I’m BubbleGum. ♥ Please?, thank you

  72. ok its me prettygirl ok cupcakemoshi321 what im trying to tell you is that i have givin you your vip so my company my website has emailed you by your email adress which i just discoverd soo hopefully you have gotten thee mail i hope u injoy the vip

  73. u need 2000 sc

  74. I need vip~ plz my account is ~Celine~

  75. I need vip plz my account is ~Celine~

  76. can someone please give me a vip account add me on msp as 20%skill then message me user and pass please and thank you

  77. it never work its so stupid but I would really want a cool accout

  78. I don’t like it when people change the passwords

  79. i really love msp but my vip ran out last year my mum doesnt have the money for vip so i cant have it because i have a disabled little brother so if anyone had an account that would be great . thanks ,

  80. all the people who have said something b4 they dont work because people have already used them and changed the pass please message me on this if u have a vip account id be really greatful thanks please message on msp :millyharriet2808 xxx

  81. I need vip but the 1 that people use does not work

  82. can i plz have a free vip account, i really need one thnx message me usser:PEACEbao
    if not dats algoods but plz, if u want u can swap with my account…..

  83. Hi, I would like to be vip plzzz, my account is Emma$$$21.

  84. plz can i have one

  85. hey! does anyone have a vip account I can have or at least go on for a little bit I promise I wont change the pass or anything if you do please message me my msp username is bunnyboo295295 thanks!x

  86. User: EpicGal112233
    Pass: 112233123112233
    If you want to be upgraded a lot more do NOT change the password. User is level 5 and has elite vip for a year. I will renew it for you too. It has 600 Diamonds and 10000 coins for a shopping spree. YW! 😀

  87. I have been wating 6 years to get msp membership but i never got any because i dont have any money please please tell me if anyone has a vip code that works many thanks xxx

  88. Hi my username is girlliegirl10 and my pas is family10

  89. can i have one plizzz?? on msp im SIGNORITTA friend me pliz!

  90. i need a VIP account! pliz on msp im SIGNORITTA i can give you all my accounts (but no my fav) pliz!

  91. omg guys dont believe prettygirl6493 she said she would give me free vip but instead she took some of my things i want to save some of you guys from trouble she totally lied to me dont give her any information like passwords or anything DONT TRUST HER!!!!!

    • That’s not true your just jealous that she gave me VIP and not you you liar

      • No I’m not lying she took some of my cloths and gave me no VIP and I’m really upset by that

  92. What is pumpkins password

  93. You could put in a VIP username and say forgot password….but idk if that works anymore :/

  94. I wish I had vip but my parents would not let me and I tried what someobne said but it didn’t work and now im never getting vip 🙁

  95. don’t work because I done everything but people still hack me 🙁

  96. I will give a one year membership on animal am for a VIP map account. BTW don’t try to trick me, I will check. And, on Animal jam my user is maddabellahhh. Now you can make sure that I am telling the truth. Lemme now if your interested.

    • your telling the truth add me im angelpopulargirl im intrested in this i love aj!

  97. hi can i have a free vip my mom dosent have the money to buy it plz 🙁

  98. I can clean in one account?

  99. Hey people I really want on my account on the English MSP VIP passes with mobile phone or something similar too ^ ^ My name is there, “Cherry Cake #!”

  100. do you think u could help me

  101. hey i want a vip account and i cant get money to buy one so please email me

  102. my name on msp is maya<mya1234 shes a lvl 9

  103. can someone be soo generous and send a VIP account pass and username to me Please!!!!!! ):

  104. i realy need vip been waiting 5 years GGGGRRRRRR SO ANGRY NY WAY U COULD GIV MR FREE VIP

  105. hey i really want free vip on my account but all of the downloads i have tried never work so if you can get me free vip that would be great if you can message me on msp my username is pprettygirll

  106. hi i really want free VIP cuz my mom said no. i tried the “paypal” thing and waited. and waited. and waited. it didn’t work. I need another strategy. pls help. yolo!

  107. add me kaka11243 also please give me a VIP ACCOUNT message me the pass on MSP thanks

  108. I REALLY want a VIP but every time i enter an account the passwords been changed, i would be sooo happy if someone were to give me their account?

  109. Hey you guys I’m prettygirl6493 unfortanly I will not be giving VIP no more so plz do not ask me

  110. please i am new here and i reale wont a vip acaunt plleeeeaaassssseeeeeee and did it work

  111. hi! i am on msp and i know how to get your one year vip in one year! i can buy it for you if you do that cheat the people are talking about you will get banned i did it once and i got banned just message me your password my user is anniee123 my cousin is the famous dolly hacker dont be scared i stop her from hacking 🙂 if you give me your pass i PROMISE i will get you a vip or change your pass to sup123 and messege me when you did 🙂 i dont hack i helped a lot of people before i helped a girl named cuteswagcat

    • Can you give me some my username is Newandbetter01 on send me a message on their i will tell you my pass on their so no one else will take it

  112. my user name:Secret8D rocks
    pass: alysha02

    • If you have any other vip accounts please message me or send a message to my msp account my username isVxXGoldenGirlXxV

  113. FREE ACCOUNT maybe vip I don’t remember u find out ur self I think its user-girlsrule1290 and pw-sammi2003 if this is wrong message me

  114. can i have acc

  115. Otay

  116. didn’t work

  117. Someone,

    • SOMEONE GET ME A VIP ACC C: Add me on : BeckyStarz or IceCreamIsMyLife699 x I want it to be a suprise for my little sister xoxo PLEASE! xox

  118. why cant i have vip owe why

  119. Plz tell me an account privately on msp ! and dont give it an email if your giving it to me ! plz

  120. hey cna u give me a free vip acount plz if so tel it to me in my emails 🙂

  121. PLease somebody give me ur vip account for 1 year cos I want and need one plz somebody be nice at least i’ll give u something awesome

  122. i do want to be a vip on moviestarplanet please

  123. message me with an account please

  124. Hi can anyone lend me a vip account for free and ill give u a good account thanks x

  125. i have a vip account
    username: Mira 105
    Password: tareq1970

  126. CAN I PLEASE PLEASE GET FREE VIP! please? I`ve been trying all websites but I just cant do it! I REALLY NEED IT! my parents have been trying to get me vip but they don’t know how to. SO PLEASE! IM ASKING PLEASE to get me vip. 🙂

  127. hi on msp my name is perrie3333 Vicky can I please have vip diamonds and sc! please

  128. Go in this Vip account username:coolandsmartdiva password:hiilol12345 has 3 pets also and 1 diamond

  129. Ok so I’m thinking about giving my USA msp account bbrrooookkee<3 for a VIP account she has lots of things yet no money but you can check her out online message me to that account if you want it then we can talk about passwords and stuff

  130. how do u do it, it’s to HARD!

  131. Can i plz have one or add me Forever000

  132. i can tell u mine it is not a V..P but it is a girl and she is on lvl 7or6o r5

  133. kittymittylilly;user; pass babydoll9

  134. Turkish-turkey-türkiye


  135. I NEED a msp account that is a vip and rich plz but tell me pass and name on msp my name i have to account u can tell me on msp name maddie dimond or msphotcocooo

  136. Hi! I am having lot of trouble ad I need to level up my account and get better things andVIP. Can someone please help me?

  137. here is one the perfect rose pass miley1234 tell me if it works

  138. can i have one ive been playing for years and i cant get vip RHHHH

  139. Thanks so much for the account! But why are you level 1?

  140. Thanks so much for the account! But why level 1?

  141. Sorry tamsin, it din’t work. It’s okay though! 🙂

  142. i want a vip acc on english msp ! PLEASE WRITE THE NAME AND THE PASSWORD 🙁

  143. omg i need dimonds and starcoins really badly 🙁

  144. need a vip acc tell me in msp uk my name is kisscharlotte URGENTLY NEEDED!!!!!!

  145. my momy has no money people are hacking me on msp and i want i vip because i go to my friends to play

  146. need a vip acc msg me in msp uk kisscharlotte

  147. Hey peeps, if you have an account that is vip ( I don’t mind for how long) with 3000+ starcoins and 5+ diamonds please messange me, streetgal. Level 13. Don’t give me fake accounts or level 0 accounts with no money. I won’t change your pass cus that’s just mean. Also if you have any spare clothes you don’t use please give them to me tysm 🙂 and tell me some working cheats.

  148. Hey here is an account!

    Soz there is no VIP but me mam won’t let me!

    If ur wonderin it is a new MSP user!
    It is started on Friday 21sy feb 2014!

    User name:
    elsa in ice dress


    pluz its a gal and if not work its coz some1 may of change pass!


  149. if u have a vip account message me and ill give u a account with 1600+ star coins

  150. If you want vip put ur name here

  151. Hi!!! My Name is #Cutie13 (MSP) okay i would definetly like an account that has vip!!!!
    Plz email me

  152. Can I Plz Have A V.i.p account plz!?

  153. ramcoboiy9

  154. ok guys i have a girl free msp account .The username is imsocut157911 NO SPACES OR CAPITALS! The password is allihere1 . REMEMBER!! NO SPACES OR CAPITAL LETTERS !!!

  155. I have over 15 VIP accounts that anyone can have, for free. sort of. If you have rares or get any rares since i have given you the account you have to give me the rares. I collect them then sell them for greets and wat now. Add me on msp: Agwilson212 for proof because I have bought vip for most of my friends. If you truely want a vip account message me on msp or email me.

  156. I have more then 4 vip accounts and I have 43 rares so add me my name is ishacool and I need more rares if you want wishys gifts and the account and also
    greetings and autos I promise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Trust me

  157. i want on e2! timilover

  158. Thanks Everyone On MSP for supporting me I know i havent added alot of people but i need more cuter friends please add Me :] ~Pumpchkin

  159. any one that wants free vip its me roxy-1 and i have a friend on moviestarplanet who is turning 14 and wants to give her account away so message me your username and password.

  160. Hello can I have got a Vip Account but I don’t change the password 🙂 Or so sorry I am from Germany :I

  161. hi i need a vip account for uk msp please i have never been vip before


  163. I have no idea how this works

  164. i have an account vip 4 a year 4 Canada user hot vip bro pass abc123

  165. I am not V.I.P but here is a user I have User: VIP boys love me55. Pass: mia222

  166. Can I pleaz have a VIP account I really want one cause I have friends that r VIP and they say its cool so I really want a VIP account pleaz.

  167. vip 1 year.
    username jason1002.

  168. just give me your email and password(i donot change) and ill give u free 1000 starcoins and 100 diamonds and one lucky person will get 1 year vip 🙂

  169. I wish I was VIP so much!! If you have a unwanted account, please message me on MSP. My name is sunshine girl18. Exactly for that. I’m level 14. Add me!

  170. i want vip someone

  171. have 25 redeem codes if u want one gonna need a wishy 🙂 add me xxlotyxx seya

  172. hi i want to be a FREE vip

  173. please can i be a vip please!!!!

  174. Can someone give me a vip account? Ive been doing the cheat for 2 months, and plus i got hacked DX
    Pleasssseee helpppppp

  175. i want a elite vip please

  176. please give me a vip account my name is ZooZooStar!

  177. my username: lime green girl88 Password:mia111

  178. i have one it lvl 13 but it rlly ugly

  179. im so sad i dont have an account people hacked mine if you are nice enough would you let me have one account

  180. i have a account U:pumpi lover 1254

  181. mine is lexi12345678999 and password is aj12345

  182. please give some more accoount please

  183. Hey I I have got 2 accounts so my main one is called eshapurple91 and my other one is blue snow flake 321 with spaces and prettygirl or whatever ur name is and friend me on msp and I WILL tell u the password so u can make me VIP. I’m eshapurple911 add me, thx/thanks everybody. And iv been desperate for VIP and if u have any VIP accounts u don’t need then message me.

  184. can i have a vip account please ?? Someone help? i will surely help you level up!

  185. Hello I am not giving an account away but I do have an account that you can add:) It’s called Peach White And Back! I am V.I.P but yeah just add meh plz also if I give an account away you dare change the password and I’ll search my name and I will report you hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!! 😀

  186. Someone Hacked My Vip Account Omg -.- level 20! LEVEL 20! my god i was level 20! I JUST HATE PEOPLE! UGHHHHHHHHH! PLease Help me DX

  187. idk

  188. can I please have diamonds and starcoins and vip freee plz

  189. Can I have VIP please? User: Countrygirl1813 (Backup) Pass: horses1000 I just want to give the items I get to my active account.
    Not sharing my active account info.

    • I changed my password. Can you just email me an account? I really want one.

  190. I want a VIP account please and I will give you ur wl, auto, and a gift from my wardrobe and I’m lauren148 level 6! Message meh for a account withVIP clothes!

  191. Hay

  192. Can Somebody Please Email me a Vip Account And Password Please? Ive Never Had Vip And I Really Want It Ive Been Playing Since i Was 10 And Im 14. Please? Thank You Whoever Decides To Help me!

  193. do you have to pay for it for 3 mouths

  194. me want vip. add me a ” pi day!”

  195. heres a REAL ACCOUNT user:RedRose!!! pass:redrose4 enjoy 🙂

  196. I have VIP!!!! it on ierland though its xxxhottiexxx

  197. can i have it

  198. USER: kate 300
    PASS: katey3
    not using it, level 5 and almost level 6 and non VIP AND has boring clothes
    PLZ look after her and dont change pass. if you do change da pass…….YOU’LL REGRET IT……………………………………..

  199. I have a account no VIP but its user:pow star pass: powstar1 place do not change pass plzzs yall can all get on it but do not change the pass thank u

  200. Can I have a free vip for a year plz !

  201. Hey

  202. Any one

  203. Aye everyone add me on MSP. My user is TreyKillemBandz

  204. Movie Star Planet Usernames,
    Why ask for people’s passwords or usernames? Create one yourself. It’s almost like
    you are too lazy to just make one. If you want to experience the joy of being VIP, buy it yourself. If they paid for it it’s their VIP. If they want to abandon their VIP account, let them. It’s their money. I strongly believe that giving away usernames along including
    passwords is a bad idea because they can figure your email address. because my father is a heritage manager for MSP, Movie Star Planet, he suggests that I don’t EVER share any information what so ever about anything of what sort. There are
    VERY powerful people out there that can hurt us in so many ways! Take a stand…don’t share passwords!

    ~Yours truly,

    • hear hear! PS. add me all! Gamelover4890, I’m lvl 10! Plz watch Estonnia’s me don’t know series also. thx!

  205. Here’s a hint,
    Hello, Pumpchkin here! MSP is such a great game without the drama or disadvantages of being scammed by a hacker. My father helps maintain MSP so yeah!

  206. Hey it’s Pumpchkin!
    Here are some of my accounts for those of you who want to give me gifts and stuff for a chance to win my actual Pumpchkin account!…here they are…
    Cute Stuff.
    give lots of stuff to Lollibop242! she is a starter kinda


    • Hey can I plz have a working account plz with lots of stuff friend me on map user macpollar

    • how do we know your the REAL Pumpchkin?

    • your not pumpchickn because i saw a comment and it dosent say the same name hahaha i got to

    • i love u imma huge fan only it dont work 🙁

    • yea sure

    • Will u give me a acc pumpchkin plzz I’m IM DS LADY that’s my user plzz text me one plzzzzzz

  207. Hey please somebody give a REAL working account, can I have a vip account my name is lightwind on msp message me on it if you have a unwanted vip acc ty

  208. jharna123

  209. Are y’all giving away accs

  210. why cant they just have a thing where you can try it for free like for a week or somthing

  211. please if anyone knows a vip hack no survey or download or any of that stuff pls give it to jadybaby222 on msp and also say if u know or have any accounts (that are vip or have loads of sc and diamonds on and gorgeouse stuff) pls pls pls tell me i beg you 🙂 !!!

  212. Any uk msp accs please.

  213. i have why u whant it u can if u whant

  214. add me my username is vip 2456
    i have another account which i migt or i might not tell u
    the username is Anisa12378
    password is 007083eriore
    i know it is not a good account

  215. any1 got a vip account that i can use its been 10 years ive been waiting now i am 19 lol

  216. does anyone want to give me their old profile vip or not

  217. can i get an account plzz

  218. fukin don’t workkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

  219. use:swaglove7878 pas:swaglove7979

  220. Is there a way to get free vip on my acc? message me on msp if u can tell me how – Gamelover4890 is my useraname thx

  221. hiyaaa x my user is called louise nicole add meh plz x im not vip,but im gonna be soon!

  222. I want VIP bad my acc I s on Canada roxybr so please if you want it I have to see yours she is on level 6

  223. Hey add me I’m called matildaTURNER699

  224. username: back for you life
    password: back123

  225. can i have a VIP acconount plzz

  226. I wish I were vip elite I wish that pumpkin did something 🙁

  227. Can u hack pumpchkin

  228. im not a vip but people who r can u help me??

    Username: dMnDZ LuVeR 123

    Password: gumball25

  229. i have one user:coolgirlcomeingyourway and reply if u want the pass

  230. hi I have a vip account tell me if u want it if u change the pass I will hack u

  231. nobody add SNYT she hacks

  232. user:LexiiBugg pass:allex20

  233. I have a free account, Pumpi9389
    PW: 873872PUMPCHKIN


  234. I have !! CANDY !! PW!!! SHE IS YEAR VIP AND SHE LEVEL 30!!!!! USA MSP! I AM I<33train and I hacked her emaila and everything! Somone wanna take her stuff? Her pw is triplesundae54

  235. mine is k923 USA

  236. Can I have a VIP cuz every other thing does not work

  237. can anyone give me a website so i can record my screen?
    my user: colorblossom34567
    pls add me msp users.

  238. what ir pumpchkin’s password i want thsat or a vip account im bluejay8383

  239. hi can i have a free VIP acc

  240. How Does it Work?

  241. girligirl99 and need vip money and more clothes been working on my acount for a fricken long time

  242. Can you please give me vip i always wanted vip so please support!OHHH my username kittyhot101

  243. don’t add candied and ishacool if u go on there

  244. I REALLY want VIP ive been waiting for 5 years im now 10 and my mom payed for my cousin VIP on this game called Meez but aint get me VIP and she being lazy and i really want VIP so whoever can get me VIP ill giv them a HUGE gift back i Swear i Promise

  245. if you give me a VIP account ill trade you a VIP account. she has ELITE VIP, i was going to delete her but i didn’t, my friend told me this website and i tryed it, Thank you so much if you tell me it and ill trade 1 back. i just want another VIP account besides the one i already have, i just want to start a new life, Please :s Tysm Guys! :*

  246. can I please have a account it is my birthday if u make it can it be a girl

  247. someone plz give me a vip acount send to my email plz i will be your friends ok thank you.

  248. need a account

  249. I have 17 VIP accounts for moviestar planet which include Kylee_Kardash Vivi Giovanni and Cute Stuff. I have 8 boys and 9 girls that are VIP if you want one of the VIPs message me on moviestarplanet at Lollibop242. Thanks! If you want to know more of the accounts like the boys, message me on msp 🙂 I will tell you your account tell me if you like it and then ill tell you what you have to do to have one (it’s at no charge) just moviestar planet favors 🙂 Lucky you to have seen this great offer! My daughters have put lots of their allowance into this so take good care of them! Have Fun!

  250. I NEED VIP!!!11111111

  251. hi.i can get u free vip!just message my msp user Something Something 123

  252. my username on msp is chevic5

  253. Someone message me a VIP girl account please, my username is Beauty48

  254. Dose anyone want VIP forever I no a hack forever does enyone want it for free text me xyazzix

  255. I don’t know if why u cant get vip, is cause parents wont buy or too much money, but my parents didn’t want to give card details out online just in case. Ive got a android tablet and I found google play cards for £10, £25 and £50.(google play cards are like gift cards u buy them in shops) I went on to the msp app and got vip!!! idk if it solves your problem srry if it doesn’t!

  256. Hi I have a youtube account I give away MSP accounts here’s one: User is- Haters Gonna H8 Password is- divam0nster

  257. I want VIP bad please

  258. I have a acc her name is pumpi I hacked her shh her pass is pumpisaloser1000


  260. i have got some accs…
    here they are
    username: daisyrose56
    Password: vampire56
    this 1 might not work
    username: katelyn xoxo
    password: lame123

    username: lol12799
    password: lame123

    username: orangegril09
    password: pop09lol

  261. hey guys does anyone have an account i could have <3 thx so much if soo

  262. you guys can friend me. I am katniss//everdeen/hungergames and I am level 15

  263. U:Sexy#8

    vip gone was vip so like!

  264. can someone gave a vip acount plz

  265. can i have an account

  266. I have a VIP account, just give PeaceCream (my cousin) WL, Rares, and gifts, etc., than i will tell u guys the account username and password

  267. sasha i will get you vip im on level 12 i can get you high its july 5 after my comment none heres you what is it
    u pass

  268. i have a VIP she has been vip 3 times right now this is her 4 time being vip i just got it yesterday so she has three months and she is lvl 16 she is a judge and a celeb

  269. hey peps im going to give away a level 16 acc named cutiepeacemaker but shes on ca. msp so message my real acc no bullying please2 and ill give you a deal 🙂 see yah!

  270. Please can i have a vip, im really desperate been waiting for 5 years. pleeeeaaaassssseeee email to me :,(

  271. I need one to

  272. I need a vip please give me an account

  273. oh my god!
    seriously…when people put their accounts up, its for everybody to use, not just one person! why does everybody feel the need to change the passwords?! its so selfish!
    ~ angrymspuser

  274. have a free account. user:purplepower!1403 pass:purple1403 change pass whatever. doesnt have lots of clothes, so…..

  275. all of these don’t wok please give me one that does

  276. i need a acount

  277. can i have a vip account plz

  278. User:smilexxxx8910
    Pass:msp123 (Irishy msp)

  279. User:laylagirl8
    Pass:leah123 (Uk msp, really works)

  280. Can I please have a good or a VIP account?!?! Please msg me on msp my name is Speck101

  281. Can someone give me a VIP account??? I have to wait a week to see if I am getting Elite VIP for a year on my account. If I do get my year then I’ll give you back your account.

  282. is anyone here on nz msp

  283. Username:Moonm Password: Moonm

  284. Hey guys I have 3 V.I.P accounts and I am giving them to some people that friends me on MSP my username is mcfall56 and I’m still getting her a VIP on my birthday

  285. free account
    username: beautiful me 122

  286. -Hello there,I’m giving Free MSP Account’s –


  287. Here are some accounts…..

  288. User Name Fashionb!tch101
    Password 123fashion

  289. User Name EMOCUTIE101
    Password 123emobabe

  290. Hello there beautiful people,today I’m going to give out 1 YEAR VIP so please put your user name and password 🙂 I won’t hack. Only giving it to 4 people.So hurry before people get it….


  291. If u need 1 year VIP message me on MSP I’m 24 years old and I’m only giving it to 4 people

    *ONLY MSP*

  292. My user name is #MSP VIP HELPER

  293. I really want free VIP so baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddd why cant my mom jus buy me it 🙁

  294. My user: ilovesoccer2134


    im in lvl 26 VIP for 1 Year and i have 297,366 sc and i have 294 diamonds

  295. i dont have an account can i please have a vip one

  296. Please can I have an account that is vip and a high level and has loads of starxoins and diamonds! Please I always wanted one guys please?!

  297. add me i’m pink girl116 i use to be a vip but i’m getting another 1 😉

  298. I need to know how to get to make a account!!

  299. Hey! If you guys really want free vip u should ask a gurl named $beautiful emo$. She got me vip and its awesome!

  300. please i need starcoins and diamonds and i realy want VIP for at least for 1 year please my user is : cindyt33

  301. I need a VIP account because I tried it twice and it didn’t work. I can’t believe people waste their VIP accounts and not think of giving it to others.

  302. hi guys im v i p im on uk though my name is rohan11111111 i didnt be lazy iw aited and waited heres a tip say u got like a=grandad or somebody you h8 like who dosent know much bat internet webs just say to them ohhh uncle can u plz put uoure paypal bits in theyrll do it and yuoll have t give em nothing

  303. User cerys 9000
    Pass gabby1 can’t pas

  304. ik wil een vip acc plaes ik koop e niks alleen vezamelen als je een acc hebt stuur mij op msp mijn naam is = lol man 2014

  305. You want a real account well here it is
    i hope i helped you all
    and punchkin it a level 46 on fame 28847 coins and 4 pets email me if any problems
    they should be none i do check on them ever once in awhile please no hacking i am sharing my msp vip you should not take over it i need some one to take care of them isf you want to take care of them email and i will give you the passwords and tell me what one you want and if you want a msp you do have to pay $5 dollars for me to make you one with vip but that ios not a lot so if ou want on of my old ones email me and if you want one that cost $5 that has a vip email me at ( both same email )

  306. here is an account for starters yes you may change the password!!! sorry no VIP

    USER: katiebaby5
    PASSWORD: starcoin1


  307. pleaze any vip peep give me a pass word
    my name cup cake XD DX

  308. Im not gonna lie im not one of those beggers saying I was on msp scince I was like 5 msp was made around 2010 it wasn’t made too many years ago it was just like a few or more years I just want VIP for like atleast for a month or something I really don’t care ive been on msp for 3 years so far and when I was VIP it was really fun I just want that chance back. Not bring rude. :p

  309. Nothing has worked for me. I’m not a vip, but I have a cheat that gets me clothes, money, and fame. My user is: im awesome and u no it (woot) if u want to no the cheat I will give u full instructions on how to get style and money and fame :p super easy and free!!!! Hope to hear from some of u! 😀

  310. ppl I have been on this web a lot i’ve written down every VIP account none of them work BTW I’m I’mmomm cool and you no it [lolz] on map 😀

  311. please i need a way to hack msp

  312. I WANT VIP so bad and my mom and dad will not let me sadly but I want VIP please on uk dat is what I play on >.<-I WANT VIP!!!

  313. can i have an account

  314. Can i have a account that has vip on the account

  315. can i have a account

  316. hi please can i have a VIP someone pleeeease??????? My user is dramaticpenguin so send me a message if yore willing to give me/share a vip account (ps if we share accounts im super good at getting fame bc i play and win the quiz game a lot!!)

  317. i need vip that’s a girl